 Sarviano/ オルヴィエート・クラシッコ・スペリオーレ 2005(白)。フルーティでフローラルな香りがとても強く、鼻を近づけなくとも鼻腔の奥深くまで芳醇で清涼な香りが突き抜けていった、と記憶。ただ味の方は、あまりにあっさりしていて、まるでひっかかりがなく、物足りない。さわやかな白桃のような香りだけがいつまでも残る。なかなか生産者のページにたどり着けず。アグリトゥーリズモのページだが、一応貼っておく。http://www.titignano.it/it/index.html
 Farnese/ Don Camillo 2005(赤)。ぜんぜん覚えていないが、かなり美味かったと記憶している。本日のヒット。http://www.farnesevini.it/eng/main.asp

Vines: Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon. Production area: Ortona district. Sensory features: intense garnet red colour, fruity fragrance with jam aroma and cherry preserved in alcohol scent, spicy notes of liquorice, vanilla and faded flowers scent.Full-bodied, soft, tannic, of a fine quality, with a pleasant bitter aftertaste, ready for an immediate use. Serving temperature: about 16-18ー C. Best served with: easy to drink, good with salami, savoury first courses, excellent with meat and cheese.

 Donelli/ Aglianico del vulture 2001 (赤)。もはや正体不明だったため、なんともいえないが、標準以上だったと記憶。http://www.donellivini.it/

Type: D.O.C.
Grape varieties: 100% Aglianico.
Growing area:
Hilly areas around Monte Vulture in the province of Potenza.
The volcanic soils are extremely favourable to viticulture, and
the Aglianico grape flourishes there; it was most likely introduced
by the Greeks, it’s original name possibly being, according to
one hypothesis, “Ellenicos”. The grape is mentioned in many
places by the poet Horace, who was from Venosa, then as
today one of the best growing areas for Aglianico.
Training system: Vertical curtain.
Harvest period: Mid October.
De-stemming and light pressing, then traditional two-week
maceration in stainless steel at less than 26 °C. Fermentation
is in steel, followed by malolactic fermentation.
Maturation in wood:
Maturation time depends on numerous factors and will vary
from year to year. Large 40-hl Slavonian oak casks are utilised.
After the appropriate period, the wine is kept in steel until
bottling, about 14-18 months after harvest.
Colour: Deep ruby red.
Typically crisp and fruity, with heady scents of vanilla and spice.
A wine of great distinction, rich and generous, with appealing,
harmonious flavours and a pleasantly bitterish finish.
Serving temperature: 15-18 °C.